Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Created by pat on 3/25/18
.. currentmodule::
.. moduleauthor:: Pat Daburu <>

Import this module to make event handling a little simpler.

import inspect
from typing import Any, Callable, Iterable, List, NamedTuple, Tuple
import sys
from functools import partial, wraps

[docs]class Args(NamedTuple): """ Extend this named tuple to provide easy-to-understand arguments for your events. """ sender: Any #: the originator of the event
[docs]class Event(object): """ An event object wraps a function and notifies a set of handlers when the function is called. """
[docs] def __init__(self, f: Callable, sender: Any = None): """ :param f: the function that triggers the event :param sender: the sender of the event """ self._f: Callable = f self._handlers: List[Callable] = [] self._sender = sender
@property def handlers(self) -> Iterable[Callable]: """ Get the handlers for this function. :return: an iteration of the handlers. """ return iter(self._handlers)
[docs] def subscribe(self, handler: Callable): """ Subscribe a handler function to this event. :param handler: the handler .. note:: You can also use the += operator. """ # Sanity check: The handler parameter should be a handler function. if not isinstance(handler, Callable): raise ValueError(f'{type(handler)} is not callable.') self._handlers.append(handler) return self
[docs] def unsubscribe(self, handler: Callable): """ Unsubscribe a handler function from this event. :param handler: the handler .. note:: You can also use the -= operator. """ self._handlers.remove(handler) return self
def __iadd__(self, other): # Subscribe to the handler. return self.subscribe(other) def __isub__(self, other): # Unsubscribe from the handler. return self.unsubscribe(other) def __and__(self, other): a = set(self._handlers) b = set(other) ab = a & b self._handlers = [h for h in self._handlers if h in ab] return self def __or__(self, other): a = set(self._handlers) b = set(other) ab = a | b self._handlers = [h for h in self._handlers if h in ab] return self
[docs] def trigger(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Trigger the event. """ # Just call all the handlers. for h in self._handlers: if self._sender is not None: h(self._sender, *args, **kwargs) else: h(*args, **kwargs)
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): # The `Event` is callable so that it can be called like a function. # When that happens it will first call the function for which it was # created... self._f(*args, **kwargs) # ...then trigger all the handlers. self.trigger(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]def observable(cls): """ Use this decorator to mark a class that exposes events. :param cls: the class :return: the class .. seealso:: If you are using this decorator, you probably also want to use :py:func:`event` on some of the methods. """ # For starters, we need the class' original __init__ method. cls_init = cls.__init__ @wraps(cls.__init__) def init(self, *args, **kwargs): """ This is the replacement for the class' initializer. """ # Call the class' original __init__ method. cls_init(self, *args, **kwargs) # Retrieve all the methods marked as events. event_members: List[Tuple[str, Event]] = [ member for member in inspect.getmembers(self) if hasattr(member[1], '__is_event__') and member[1].__is_event__ ] for event_member in event_members: # Get the attribute name and bound method. name_, event_method = event_member # If the method we found is a bound method... if event_method.__self__ is not None: # ...create a new event with a new function that passes this # instance in as the first positional (i.e. the "self" # parameter). setattr( self, name_, Event( f=partial(event_method.__func__.__func__, self), sender=self ) ) else: # Otherwise, we don't need to supply the 'self' parameter to # the function wrapped by the Event object. setattr( self, name_, Event( f=event_method.__func__.__func__, sender=cls ) ) # Replace the class' original __init__ method with our own. cls.__init__ = init # The caller gets back the original class. return cls
[docs]def event(f: Callable) -> Event: """ Decorate a function or method to create an :py:class:`Event`. :param f: the function. :return: the event .. seealso:: If you are decorating a method within a class, you'll need to use the :py:func:`observable` class decorator on the class as well. """ # Create an event object to wrap the function. e = Event(f=f) @wraps(f) def _f(*args, **kwargs): e.trigger(*args, **kwargs) # Inject some extra doc stuff into the docstring. _f.__doc__ = f'⚡ :py:class:``\n{f.__doc__}' # Supply the function with some meta information. (This will mostly be used # by the @observable decorator.) setattr(_f, 'event', e) setattr(_f, '__is_event__', True) setattr(_f, '__func__', f) # If the function is defined directly within a module... if f in [_ for _ in inspect.getmembers(f.__module__, inspect.isfunction)]: # ...go get the module. module_ = sys.modules[f.__module__] # Construct some new documentation and append it to the module's # documentation. doc_parts = [ module_.__doc__, f'⚡ :py:class:`` :py:func:`{ f.__name__ }`', ] doc_parts = filter(lambda p: p is not None, doc_parts) module_.__doc__ = '\n'.join(doc_parts) # Return the new function. return _f